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Testing > Announcements > Testing teleconference 07-April-2009  

Announcements: Testing teleconference 07-April-2009


Testing teleconference 07-April-2009 


A testing subcommittee teleconference will be held 7-April-2009 for 2 hours at 14:00 UTC (that is 10:00 EST, 07:00 PT, 16:00 in Europe).
The preliminary agenda is:
  1. Appoint secretary/scribe for meeting minutes
  2. Approve minutes of 03-March-2009 teleconference
  3. Client test procedures - many changes have been proposed (see emails). Are these acceptable?
  4. Server test procedures - Herb noted that SBOns1 incorrectly tests for an unknown object, but the abstract test is for access rights.
  5. PIXIT template - are there issues with the posted file?
  6. GOOSE performance testing - what has been done?
  7. Timesync testing - I believe that vendor claims of 1 millisecond accuracy UTC cannot be met without some requirement that the (S)NTP servers have accuracy much better than 1 mS. Should we deal with this question?
  8. TCPL issue - FTn1 unknown file test is incompatible with MMS. A correction is needed.
  9. Should a test be generated to verify that a GOOSE subscriber can process any valid GOOSE element?
 10. Should we move face-to-face meeting start time Thursday to 15:00 to allow an EPRI meeting (with some of our attendees) to meet? I propose 15:00-18:00 Thursday and 08:00-13:00 Friday to fulfill the desired "8-hour meeting" need.
 11. Other important topics that I might have missed.
 12. Other topics as they arise.
The Dial-In Number is: +1-(218)-936-3808 Access Code: 461 057 582
-          this number may also be dialed by International participants


Created at 3/30/2009 4:26 PM  by tony.adams 
Last modified at 4/3/2009 3:24 PM  by tony.adams