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Testing > Announcements > IEC 61850 Testing procedures working group meeting - 24-October  

Announcements: IEC 61850 Testing procedures working group meeting - 24-October


IEC 61850 Testing procedures working group meeting - 24-October 


We will conduct a joint meeting of all of the 61850 working groups within the UCAIug testing subcommitee 24-October 10:30 (AM) until 12:00 during the New Orleans UCAIug summit.


- Tutorial: How should a vendor prepare for a UCAIug test: internal test, pre-test, required documents, test lab negotiations

- Tutorial: How should a test lab prepare for UCAIug accreditation or periodic audit: QA procedures, sample unit, required documentation

- User community input: Flaws in existing test program, usage of testing documents, Edition 2 IOP test needed?

- Organize IOP committee (basic scope of IOP, populate the working group)

- Close items on Edition 1 testing action-item list

- Review Edition 2 detailed test plans (high-level view) to discover gaps in testing or un-reviewed areas

- Discuss future working group formation and high-level scope for those groups


Created at 10/4/2012 10:44 PM  by test123 
Last modified at 10/4/2012 10:44 PM  by test123