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Announcements: Test procedures subcommittee meeting 3-March-2009


Test procedures subcommittee meeting 3-March-2009 


A testing subcommittee teleconference will be held 3-March-2009 for 2 hours at 15:00 UTC (that is 10:00 EST, 07:00 PT, 16:00 in Europe).
The preliminary agenda is:

  1. Appoint secretary/scribe for meeting minutes
  2. Approve minutes of 27-January-2009 teleconference
  3. Report on San Diego and Grenoble Merging Units meetings
  4. Discuss proposed "More strict SCL checking" schema
  5. Discuss clarification of timestamp clock quality (accuracy of data vs accuracy of time server, meaning of the 2 bits)
  6. TCPL CtlN2 (allow non-conformant behavior (second slect from same client succeeds and extends the SBO timeout) for no more than 12 more months)
  7. 8-1 Tissue of SNTP port numbers, is this actually in 61850-6 Ed1?
  8. Client testing status
     a. Test procedures update needed? (TCPL?)
     b. Result of first specimen test
     c. Are we ready to release the test procedures?
  9. Future direction:
     a. Ethernet switch - what are the requirments?
     b. Gateways - is this too broad a topic?
     c. SCL testing - how would we test this? Are vendor-specific tools meeting industry needs?
     d. Preparations for Edition 2 testing. What can/should be done now?
     e. Merging unit subscribers?
 10. Date/time of next next face-to-face meeting
     a. Suggest Pittsburg USA after PSRC meeting (12 hours available from afternoon 14-May to 17:00 15-May)
     b. Alternate location? Less than 12 hours?
     c. Please check your schedules BEFORE the teleconference so we can complete the planning
 11. Date/time of next teleconference?
     a. Next face-to-face is planned for 10 weeks in future. Should we have a teleconference in 4-6 weeks?
     b. Is this a good time for a teleconference?
 12. Other topics ?

The Dial-In Number is: +1- (616)-712-8010 Access Code: 461 057 582
-          this number may also be dialed by International participants


Created at 2/25/2009 5:57 PM  by tony.adams 
Last modified at 2/25/2009 5:57 PM  by tony.adams